9 Tricks to Bringing Your Mirror Back to Life

Mirrors are more than just a place to check your hair in the morning, they are artwork in your home. If strategically placed, a mirror can visually amplify the light and depth of your rooms. You can create a vignette by positioning a mirror above a chair, dresser, or table so that it relates to other pieces in the room. Hang the mirror at a height such that most people would be able to see themselves. There is no need to go out to buy a new mirror; just grab an old mirror and get to work using these simple steps.


1.) Clean- Make sure your frame is residue-free

2.) Remove- Remove any embellishments, hooks, hinges, etc…

3.) Sand- Before doing any sanding make sure your frame is lead free, safety first. You can easily do this by buying a simple lead test like this one.

Test an inconspicuous spot to make sure your frame is sand-able if so, get to work. Sand down the top layer with fine sandpaper. This is to create a rough surface for the paint to stick. 

TIP: You should only be sanding if its a solid wood frame because you can easily destroy the frame otherwise. If it's a smooth veneer, you can clean it and paint over it with spray paint by following the instructions on the can and wear a respirator.

4.) Wipe- Make sure the frame is residue-free again. 

TIP: Let the frame dry if you used a damp cloth.

5.) Protect- Use painter tape and newspaper to protect the mirror and your workspace. 

6.) Prime- Apply primer in thin, even strokes. Allow to dry and add another layer. 

TIP: If your frame is dark, use a white primer. 


7.) Dry & Sand- After the primer, let it dry overnight then lightly sand again but do not remove the primer. 

8.) Color-Spray your frame with a fresh new color. Paint two coats with time to dry between each coat, of course. Make a statement by using Pantone's color of the year, Coral

Tip: It’s easier and more effective for you to take the mirror outside and use Rustoleum (https://www.homedepot.com/s/rustoleum%2520spray%2520paint?NCNI-5) spray paint than painting it with a brush and you don’t need to spray paint at all. Also, Rustoleum comes in a variety of fun metallic colors. LINK HERE


9.) Display- Hang your newly refreshed mirror, you deserve it. 

Tip: Make sure hooks are rated for the weight of the mirror and use a stud finder to screw into studs for security when you mount the mirror on the wall.
