Feature Friday: Salted Grain

Frank and I have recently been working with Salted Grain for any of our custom woodworking needs. The owner Colby is a creative that can take one of our ideas and turn it into a gorgeous finished piece of art. His woodworking skills are one of a kind and we thoroughly enjoy collaborating with local artists like Colby that are passionate about their work. Having the opportunity to work with Colby is always such a pleasure and the finished products are far more than we could ever imagine. We are very excited to continue commissioning new pieces with Salted Grain for future projects.

We have had the opportunity to work with Colby on pieces for the coffee shop La Barba and the record bar Seabird in building one of the Southridge Draper complex. Another project we had the chance to work with him on was at Creek Tea and Books in Salt Lake City. With the new Lily and Copper Design center recently opening its doors we wanted a special piece for our entry area. We are currently working with Colby to create a gorgeous bench for our entry, we will post the final product when it’s completed and in the space.

The focus of Lily and Copper Design is to create spaces that are truly one of a kind. One way we ensure that this happens is by commissioning local and custom pieces through business’ such as Salted Grain. It’s important for us to highlight these local artisans, it in turn also helps other locals as we ultimately create more opportunities for further collaborations between clients and companies. We had the chance to sit down with Colby, the Owner of Salted Grain to ask him some questions about his woodworking.


What inspires you?

My inspiration comes from many sources. I am inspired by collaborations with other artists, or by moments deep in thought thinking through the design concept. And sometimes just by simply walking through life. I really enjoy making time to be in nature—that tends to really recharge my creativity.

What is your favorite piece of wood you have worked with and why?

My first commissioned piece was a table made out of California Walnut from Senora, CA. We salvaged the tree, dried it for three years, and then made a beautiful table for some of our best friends. The whole process is what made this my favorite piece of furniture.

What makes your work different from others in your field?

I think there are so many creative people using their hands to make amazing art — especially in the Salt Lake area. We are so fortunate to be able to live here. I work alongside many of these creative people and we all work together to create and share ideas. It’s hard to say what sets us apart.

I do bring a lot of attention to detail and thoughtfulness to my projects. I’ve always loved working with my hands and putting my vision into tangible pieces that can last forever—heritage pieces. This is kind of a second job for me, so I’m not doing it because I need to, I’m doing it because I get to.

What is enjoyable about working with Frank and Julia?

For the La Barba project, Frank salvaged some large beams from a historic barn that was being torn down. Frank and Julia saw value in the lumber and took the opportunity to save the the wood. It was old growth and I was honored to create modern tables out of something with so much history. Woodworkers don't have many opportunities to work with old growth wood anymore and I take pride when I do have the opportunity.  

Why do you continue collaborating with Frank and Julia?

They are working on some really neat projects and every one has been unique with a new creative challenge. I love broadening my skill set and working with people I trust. So it’s an easy “yes” when they ask if I can help.


What is your favorite piece you've created this new year?

So far this year, I’ve gotten the chance to work with some beautiful oak and turn it into some great desks. Also, seeing the Seabird project come to life was super exciting. That space is fresh and modern and I love how it turned out.

How can people see more of your work and projects?

We try to keep people filled in on what we’re up to via our instagram @saltedgrain. We also have some projects on our website and will be updating it with new projects soon - saltedgrain.com.

Stay tuned, we have some fun stuff coming up!